
Physical Theatre and Devising (age 12-18)

We will devise an original piece of theatre using physical theatre techniques & write original work based on a range of stimuli. The course will culminate in a performance at the end of the week. Bring your curiosity and creativity!

Time & Location

13 Jul, 13:30 – 17 Jul, 16:30
Yen Han Ballet Productions, Freihofstrasse, 8700 Küsnacht, Switzerland

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Yen Han Ballet Productions - First ever production to the public

First ever production to the public

On February 21 and 22, 2020, the Yen Han Ballet Company is pleased to be showing its first ever production to the public. The performances will take place on Friday, February 21 and Saturday, February 22, 2020 at 19.00 at Yen Han Ballet Productions, Freihofstrasse 20, 8700 Küsnacht. Tickets are available for CHF 50. Reservation and pick up: email: or phone: 076 421 2818.

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