

Samstag, 29. Mai 2021

Professional Youth Program Performance

  • Music- Johann Sebastian Bach, Zoe Keating Legions of War Dancers, Ezio Bosso, Ludwig Minkus, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
  • Choreography- Filipe Portugal, Joanne Willmott
  • Dancers- Students of Yen Han Dance Center Professional Program

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Freitag, 7. Mai 2021
Samstag, 19. Dezember 2020

Echoes of Silence

An exploratory performance by Yen Han and Karolina Zgraja.
A poetic dialogue in five acts, this event is meant to explore the performative dimensions and possibilities of the phenomenon of silence. In a series of short pieces, Yen Han and Karolina Zgraja will be mutually acting and reacting by means of movement, spoken word, and the sound of piano.
19.12 - 19:30-20:45
20.12 - 14:00-14:45

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Freitag, 27. November 2020

Yen Han Ballet Productions Cultural Week 2020

Wir freuen uns Ihnen mitteilen zu können, das bald unsere Kulturwoche an unserem Standort in Küsnacht stattfinden wird. Es wird Konzerte und Tanzvorstellungen geben, zu welchen wir Sie sehr gerne willkommen heissen würden.

Die Tickets sind ab sofort verfügbar!

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Dienstag, 20. Oktober 2020

Shanghai International Arts Festival

Shanghai International Arts Festival, hosted by the Ministry of Culture and organized by Shanghai government, is the only state-level arts festival in China. Established in 1999, the annual event has grown into a significant platform for cultural exchange. The arts festival follows the tenet of "A Festival of Arts, a Gala for All" and consists of stage performances, exhibitions, the "Art Space" series, arts education program, performing arts fair, forums, themed festivals, and the young talents program called "Rising Artists’ Works".

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Montag, 10. August 2020

Opernhaus Odessa, Ukraine